The much awaited day has finally arrived. Today Sonam Kapoor will officially announced that she will tie the knot with the love of her life Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja's wedding, happening in Bandstand Bandra.
Sonam and Anand are one of those few exceptions who rather prefer making each other’s everyday phenomenal than prove their relationship for the world to know. As this much in love couple is all set to walk the future path as husband and wife today, we bring you LIVE updates from what they call the wedding of the year. After all, what’s more beautiful than seeing two lovers marriage party.
The wedding is happening at Rockdale Sonam’s aunt’s bungalow in Bandstand Bandra with just family, relatives and close friends in attendance. It’s an intimate affair. The pheras will take place around 11 am to 12: 30 pm.
It will be in accordance with Sikh rituals followed by a reception in the evening at The Leela in Mumbai. If you are invited to the wedding then there’s also this one special request from Sonam and Anand: “Your presence on our special day is the only gift we desire” (as was read on their wedding invitation).
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Just how eagerly have we been waiting to see this happily ever after. While there are many couples who go on the roof top to let the world know about their love stories.
The wedding is happening at Rockdale Sonam’s aunt’s bungalow in Bandstand Bandra with just family, relatives and close friends in attendance. It’s an intimate affair. The pheras will take place around 11 am to 12: 30 pm.
It will be in accordance with Sikh rituals followed by a reception in the evening at The Leela in Mumbai. If you are invited to the wedding then there’s also this one special request from Sonam and Anand: “Your presence on our special day is the only gift we desire” (as was read on their wedding invitation).
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