About Us


Welcome to Shreekrishna's Webpage

I am Shreekrishna Parida .I belongs to a very beautiful place Balasore,But current residing in temple city Bhubaneswar.I am pursuing Bachelor of Technology in the branch of Computer science and engineering in Gandhi institute for Technology .Talking about my family background there are three members in my family,my handsome elder brother,my father and myself .Apart from my regular studies i like to watch some hollyood sc-fi movies and playing most popular games like mini militia and clash of clanes .


Email : kerotventertainment@gmail.com
Website : www.kerotek.com
Phone : +919853663152
Address : House no-103, Talakurunia, Gopalpur, Baleswar, ODISHA

  • About Me:

Here Are Some Of My Interests:

Saying "Some Romantic Slow Motion song" .

Writing Some Codes Like Java Or Html .

Playing Minimilitia And clash of clanes .

Wearing jeans and T-Shirt with a sun glass .

Watching Hollywood sc-fi movies .

Riding Bicycles in a lonely street .

A Few of My Famous Likes:

Colour- White,Blue .

Food-Chili chiken .

Movie-Iron man series .

Hero-Salman khan,Mahesh sahu.

Heroine-Deepika Padukan,samantha .

"I am Krishna, and I am part Hindi,Odia,English, sort of a virtual Indian Nations."